Wednesday, June 10, 2009

FWD: Wat is meg c cell # need her on my cell
from an 860 phone number, Wednesday, June 10, 7:32 PM

I don't know, why don't you try just typing in "Meg" and see if that works?
hi jada
hi jada what r u doing?

from a 940 phone number, Wednesday, June 10, 3:26 PM

Uh, her name's not Jada. It's Leila.
I told Fuad im going out w a guy but i didnt tell him its thru a dating service
from a 510 phone number, Tuesday, June 9, 8:02 PM

This girl again. I love this text. I love the idea that Fuad will be jealous if he know 510 is dating... but less jealous if he learns she found the guy through a dating service. Poor Fuad. So infinitely played.
FWD: Hi going to get the girls. Our address is 1061 Ravoli Dr. Palisades. From your house ; rigt on Amalfi and 1st left on Ravoli
from a 310 phone number, Tuesday, June 9, 7:52 PM

This is just off Sunset Boulevard! That sounds really exciting to East Coasters such as myself.
hi there! does 7:00 work for u guys? i have the sitter coming at 6:30 2night.
from an 818 phone number, Tuesday, June 9, 12:41 PM

In that case, 7:00 had better fucking work for Leila, because sitters are not free. Trust me; I do a lot of babysitting. And I'm not free about it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Let me know when your car is Fixed and youre going home
from a 510 phone number, Monday, June 8, 10:07 PM

Okay, well, probably not until tomorrow morning, since not a whole lot of car fixing happens past 10 PM.
I liked your friends last night.
from a 719 phone number, Sunday, June 7, 11:53 PM

Always good to hear. I would love if this were a text for me. I love friend matchmaking.
from a 631 phone number, Sunday, June 7, 10:52 PM

Wait, omg, WHAT?
Are you still talkin to him
from a 614 phone number, Sunday, June 7, 3:49 PM


from a 614 phone number, Monday, June 8, 5:51 PM

I feel like A-Wad has street cred. I don't know. Maybe it's the way he left off the last letter on the word "talking." Or maybe it's that his nickname is "A-Wad."
hey my leila
from a 270 phone number, Sunday, June 7, 3:20 PM

One of my best friends, Hannah, calls me "my Leila." This is a holdover from when we were debate partners and she once accidentally called me that in a round. A lot of kids on circuit already assumed that we were a couple, and I think calling me "my Leila" didn't help to convince them otherwise. Anyway, I got this text and immediately hoped it was from Hannah, because what are the odds that anyone else would call their Intended Leila that? But Hannah lives in England. So it's not from her.
I already hung my plaques up. I love them so much. THANK YOU !!!
From a 936 phone number, Sunday, June 7, 1:37 AM

Ooh, I wonder why Leila bestowed plaques upon 936?
from a 408 phone number, Saturday, June 6, 9:06 PM

Uh, does not exist. does, though. It's Maui's most Hawaiian hotel.
matchovich tht wuz eezy puttin her 2 sleep and o j a means just askin

from an 843 phone number, Saturday, June 6, 11:06 AM

When Leila understands what "*FLEXXY*?" and "eezy" mean, but not "o j a," it becomes unclear where to draw the line.
My moms going to olsens
from a 774 phone number, Saturday, June 6, 10:30 AM

Ashley Olsen's? Please say yes. Your mom is so cool.
What. No pictures of Lily today. Nanna
from a 614 phone number, Friday, June 5, 3:40

You know what, Nanna? Lily doesn't do something cute and picture-worthy every day. Get over it.

Also, are you really so old that you don't know the Who?
Thanks for coming last night it meant alot 2 us i always have sn much fun with u guys love u
from a 732 phone number, Friday, June 5, 8:14 AM

I went out for Jillian's going-away drinks on Thursday night, so conceivably this could have been from Jillian, thanking us all for coming out. But something about the word "alot" and saying "2" just isn't quite Jillian's writing style.