Saturday, September 24, 2011


If you have time to play with leila tonit or tomorrow am i d appreiate it

from a 951 phone number, Saturday, September 24, 12:08 PM EST

I am Leila. So I don’t have time to play with Leila because I am too busy bring her.
are you awake?
pUbLiC sChOoL;0

from an 828 phone number, Friday, September 23, 11:05 PM EST

I had no idea anyone felt so strongly about their school type that they went around with it in their sig line. Is there someone out there with a “cHaRtEr ScHoOl” sig line, as well? Or is it only public school that inspires this level of devotion?
What size pics did you want of everyone for your wedding…4x6 or 5x7?
from a 413 phone number, Friday, September 23, 8:49 PM EST

This text message is an example of why being a bride sounds kind of horrible to me. You have to make literally HUNDREDS of these sorts of little decisions, where the options are so similar to one another that there is almost no way to sound which is preferable. I am bad enough at decisions when they’re like “salad or sandwich?” 4x6 versus 5x7-inch photos? Is there a correct answer to that?
Its ok. I no this makes me sound desparate but hav u heard anything else out from Mason l8ly??? SOrry its just i REALLY want 2 know
Ms Random

from a 724 phone number, Thursday, September 22, 6:14 PM EST

Really this time will u actually ask him out 4 me???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ms Random

from a 724 phone number, Friday, September 23, 7:14 PM EST

Ms Random is my favorite Leila Texter of the week. She is so filled with emotion and hope! She makes middle school crushes seem like the most exciting thing ever.
My mom said tomarrow you can come over an go places with us stay the night ad come to my football games then we will drive you home
from a 636 phone number, Thursday, September 22 5:20 PM EST

Tomrrow ill call u
from a 636 phone number, Thursday, September 22, 7:56 PM EST

Leila answer
from a 636 phone number, Friday, September 23, 5:25 PM EST

Brandon please have leila call u can get rid of her she can stay the night congratulations
from a 636 phone number, Friday, September 23, 5:26 PM EST

At 5 im going so where is she
from a 636 phone number, Friday, September 23, 5:30 PM EST

Is it just me, or is there a moment in here when someone offers to “get rid” of Leila? I feel offended.
trask You are not in h .that is a lie
please do.nt tell andria a lie
it is not true jesus would not
lie about

from a 408 phone number, Friday, September 23, 4:25 PM EST

Let me see if I’m understanding this correctly: Leila told Andria that (figuratively speaking) she was in hell. Then 408 got angry at Leila for “lying” to Andria because Leila is not actually in hell, and Jesus would not want her to lie about such a thing. Yes? Is that seriously what happened? If so, I have two pieces of advice for 408: 1) Don’t be so literal. 2) Stay out of Andria and Leila’s business. Okay?
congress tonight?!
from a 928 phone number, Thursday, September 22, 7:22 PM EST

Even paid members of the House of Representatives do not get this excited about Congress on a daily basis.
“Love Life”
from an 808 phone number, Friday, September 23, 2:45 AM EST

This was quite the wisdom to wake up to this morning.
from an 858 phone number, Wednesday, September 21, 7:15 PM EST

you have tons of birthday wishes
from an 858 phone number, Wednesday, September 21, 8:06 PM EST

from an 858 phone number, Wednesday, September 21, 11:24 PM EST

I’m sure Leila has already looked at her facebook wall, 858. Isn’t that like the only thing people do on their birthdays, other than maybe wear tiaras? Does anyone really need to be instructed to open their facebook on their birthday (or, for that matter, any other day)?
Yo wasuup leila bo beila banana ana co ceila… LEILA!!!!!!
from a 302 phone number, Thursday, September 15, 6:32 PM EST

302 bo b302 banna ana co c302… Um, never mind.
Get out of my room
from a 973 phone number, Thursday, September 15, 3:34 PM EST

This is good for when your little brother won’t get out of your room, but also you have taken a monastic vow of silence so you can’t just scream at him, “Get out of my room!”