Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pe- longerod
english- gieleghem
geometry- karas
biology- cunniffe
world hist- briggs
journalism- gunnison

from a 925 phone number, Tuesday, August 18, 11:34 PM

Comparing high school class schedules. Nice. Gosh, I hope 925 and Leila have some classes together. Otherwise this year will be a total drag.
r u away? if yes i will go water your plants. it is hot this week. we were away last week. have fun.
from a 646 phone number, Tuesday, August 18, 3:32 PM

"It is hot this week" is a vast understatement. Also, I am in charge of watering my bosses' plants while she is away this summer. They are not doing so well.
do I have the girls tomorrow?
from a 562 phone number, Tuesday, August 18, 12:03 AM

Did you really have such a screwed-up divorce that you and Leila can't even talk on the phone to figure out who has custody this week?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Im hot
from a 717 phone number, Sunday, August 16, 6:59 PM

Was this really worth sending? Of course you're hot. It's the middle of August. It was 92 degrees today where I live. We are ALL HOT.
Why are you ignoring me.
from a 631 phone number, Sunday, August 16 2:36 AM

Because I don't know you.
i love you by have a good day
from a 321 phone number, Saturday, August 15, 4:49 PM

good morning love you have a nice day
from a 321 phone number, Sunday, August 16, 9:28 AM

Either Leila and 321 have just recently fallen in love and are still in that phase where they need to talk all the time about how much they love each other, or they are married and are going to be like this for the rest of their lives. What do you think?
apparently the city museum is having swing dancing lessons @ 8 tonight. $10 admission. anyone interested?!
from a 919 phone number, Friday, August 14, 12:49 PM

Maybe this is in St. Louis? 919 is North Carolina, though. Is there a City Museum in North Carolina? 919, could you be a little more specific?
FWD: Why do you want leila soo bad
from a 603 phone number, Thursday, August 13, 8:27 PM

t i love hove how u call me a douche when u do something stupid but really u r a douche
from a 513 phone number, Thursday, August 13, 1:41 AM

This is a slightly more pornographic version of "I know you are, but what am I?" or "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Real mature, 513.
Hi! could you please Aldo for a lawyer the lady from the dry cleaner recomended me to seek for a lawyer's advice. Thx
from a 323 phone number, Wednesday, August 12, 1:22 AM

I wonder what went wrong that 323 would require a lawyer's advice? And I wonder why the lady from the dry cleaner is the ultimate authority on when to invoke legal aid?
jyntt stop playing with my phone please i like go home
from an 808 phone number, Monday, August 10, 10:32 PM

hey leila you r so cool and smart and very pretty its amazimg how pretty u r
from an 808 phone number, Thursday, August 13, 6:18 PM

I am way more likely to receive texts like this one from people who don't know me. But you're welcome anyway, 808.
U wearin ur shirt tonight dont forget bbfs forever
from an 860 phone number, Monday, August 10, 3:50 PM

Maybe British Best Friends?