Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Soul Food Friday's"05/15/09..Serving Baked Chicken or Lasagna..Sides are Pasta Salad,Parsley Potatoes,Green Beans,or Dressing..Desserts are Carrot Cake
from an 847 phone number, Friday, May 15, 12:24 PM

or Peach Cobbler..Dinners are $9 Please call 847/907-xxxx to place your order!
from an 847 phone number, Friday, May 15, 12:26 PM

Do we think this is a mass text? From some cheap restaurant to a whole bunch of people? Is text message a common advertising campaign for restaurants nowadays? Is "Dressing" really a side dish?


Ryan Eanes said...

"Dressing" is just another name for "stuffing" in the south.

Leila Sales said...

OH. Thank you! I'd never heard that before.