Saturday, November 15, 2008

hoy sasagutin mo ba ang fone?
from an 818 phone number, Friday, November 14, 10:50 PM

All right, translators. Go to it. You were so good with the Serbian ninja that I know you can figure out this one, too. The first word could be Spanish, but the rest is definitely not...


Abby said...

It appears to be Tagalog. Unfortunately, my written Tagalog is very rudimentary. Something about asking if something was suggested or confirmed by phone?

"Hey, will you confirm by phone?"
"Hey, did you suggest a phone?"
"Hey, did you say something about a phone?"
"Hey, did you say something by phone?" knowledge of Tagalog is completely context based...

Unknown said...

based solely on my passive observation of the signs in Uptown, I would guess Vietnamese. but none of the words seem to be the names of food items, so I can't pretend to even guess at the meaning.

Ashley Piccolo said...

"Hey, are you going to answer the phone?"

Person seems kind of agitated. o_ x

Leila Sales said...

Tjok, I feel like I am always relying on you to translate texts. Thank God somebody knows what this blog is talking about.