Tuesday, October 30, 2007

FWD: FWD: Shes having the baby! the classroom is mine i am so excited
from a 765 phone number, Wednesday, October 24, 8:08 AM

Okay, here is what I'm surmising happened:

Some woman-- say her name is Ann-- is an assistant teacher to some other woman, say, Bonnie. Then Ann finds out that Bonnie is pregnant! Ann is excited because this would make her the head teacher. But then Bonnie has second thoughts. She considers abortion. Ann waits on pins and needles.

But then Bonnie decides: "Shes having the baby!" Gleefully, Ann texts her best friend, um, Cara. Cara forwards this text to their mutual friend, Diane, who works at the school with Ann, assuming Diane will be pleased for Ann.

Only here's the catch: Diane only PRETENDS to be friends with Ann. Really she HATES her, and she sees in this forwarded text message the opportunity to BRING ANN DOWN. So she forwards this text message to Leila, the SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, as a way of saying, "Look how callous Ann is! She doesn't even care that Bonnie is having a baby. All she cares about is getting her own classroom."

But that's where Diane went wrong. Rather than addressing the forwarded text message to Leila, the principal, she sent it to me, Leila, the Verizon text girl. So her little ploy to bring down Ann in the eyes of their shared boss won't work, after all! I have thwarted you, Diane!

(That is the most logical explanation of this particular text message, right?)