Sunday, September 6, 2009

hey leila do you think you fit me in tomorrow sometime between 930 am and 2pm i have work at 230?

from a 408 phone number, Thursday, September 3, 10:11 PM

Theories? We think this Leila is a... hair dresser?


John Kauffman said...

you're being awfully generous with that theory.

Leila Sales said...

You're right. I guess it's totally possible, in this day and age, that people making morningtime appointments with their prostitutes via text message. We live in uncertain times.

John Kauffman said...

btw, yes, I am THAT John Kauffman. I'm meeting up with Amy in Jonesboro this weekend, and she had mentioned the blog. congrats on the book deal. Based on the commentary here, I'm anxious to get a copy!

Leila Sales said...

Yes! My mother just left me a message telling me that you are THAT John Kauffman. It's so exciting to hear from you! I love that you read my blog! And I am so jealous that my mom gets to see you and I do not! I am going to make her report back to me about EVERYTHING, so make sure you give her details to share.