Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hola hija buenas tardes gracias por hablar no te escuche estaba me paso decirte q me iban a mandar via fax unos papeles .
from a 626 phone number, Sunday, June 13, 12:43 AM EST

Unfortunately for you, my readers, my Spanish gets worse every time I try to translate one of these. "Hello, daughter, good day, thank you for talking, do not listen something it was outside (?). I/You/He something to say to you something to send via fax some papers."



Anonymous said...

"Hello daughter, good afternoon. Thanks for talking, I didn't hear you [because] I was outside. I was going to tell you that I was going to fax you some papers."

Cordelia Naismith Dumakae said...

"[..]I forgot to tell you [somebody] was going to fax me some papers."